Speech Therapy

Why Would You Need Speech Language Therapy?

  • Language comes in many forms. Receptive language refers to the ability to understand language. Expressive language refers to the ability to produce language, formulate sentences, and clearly express thoughts and ideas. The patient may also demonstrate difficulties with written language skills, which can significantly impact their academic success.
  • Social Communication skills impact the ability to effectively communicate with others. Deficits in social communication skills may include poor eye contact, decreased initiation of social interaction, and reduced conversational skills.
  • Some people may have difficulty swallowing foods or liquids. These individuals may require extra time or help when eating and drinking; have special restricted diets; and/or have some or all of their nutrition from feeding tubes.
  • Fluency refers to the ability to produce sounds, words, and sentences in a smooth flowing way. If the patient exhibits repetitions or “gets stuck” when saying sounds, the patient may have a fluency/stuttering disorder

Conditions for Speech Therapy

  • Stroke
  • Articulation
  • Social Communication
  • Difficulty swallowing food or liquids Bell’s Palsy

Therapy Central Locations

  • 5309 N. McColl
    McAllen, Tx 78504
    Ph: (956)664-1819
    Fax: (956)994-8299
  • 301 S. Broadway
    Elsa, Tx 78543
    Ph: (956)262-7810
    Fax: (956)262-7816
Speech Therapy

Our Services

  • Speech Therapy Focus on Language, Articulation, Social Communication, Difficulty Swallowing with Foods/Liquids, and Fluency.
  • Occupational Therapy Focus on Fine Motor Skills, Self-care Skills, Sensory Processing Difficulties, Visual Motor/Perceptual Skills, Adaptive Equipment.
  • Physical Therapy Focus on Gross Motor Skills, Abnormal Movements, Developmental Delays, Orthopedics and Mobility Equipment.
  • Aquatic Therapy Focus on Arthritis, Post-Surgical Rehab, Hip/Knee Replacements, Low Back Pain, Cervical Pain and many others
  • Social Services Focus on socioeconomic and
    psychosocial issues